SLC Parent Schedule

*Schedule subject to change.

8:30 am - 8:55 am

Unwrapped Inspiration

There are perks for arriving on time! We start each morning by handing out tickets for amazing prize drawings which will happen at various times throughout Thursday and Friday. These donations are freely gifted to us by our awesome vendors! We end this time with a short inspirational devotional to get the day started on the right foot.

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Keynote: So Great a Cause (Dale and Michelle Bartlett)

If you are new to homeschooling or if you have ever thought, “I’m not sure I can really do this”, then this keynote address is designed just for you. We have all been there. Whether you have homeschooled for a month or for years, too many times it is hard to see past the moment because, at that window in time, you feel like it isn’t possible to see a successful end. <br> <br> Moments like this are to be expected and are normal. We have all felt them. Often, the reason you feel this way is because you can’t see the end, either because it seems so far away, or filled with so many unknowns. The truth, which is often hard to see, is that the successful adventure of homeschooling is within everyone's grasp. <br> <br> Come listen to a homeschool journey that was twenty years in the making. A journey where two parents, neither of whom had any formal education past high school, who started before the aid of the internet, who had no clue what they were doing, found success and joy in educating their children at home. Let them take you through an amazing transformation in which success came both on the parent level as well as the children’s level. Where mindset was an absolute must and where success was measured both in tangible and intangible ways. <br> <br> When they started, their children were thirteen, eleven, nine, and four. In three years, their oldest was enrolled at the University (age sixteen) with a full four year academic scholarship, her brother then was enrolled at fifteen with a four-year scholarship, and the younger two followed suit well before their peers. Those were the tangible. The intangible were children and parents who understood how to think way outside the box, how to understand how and where they fit into the world, and who are all making a huge difference as they begin their own families. <br> <br> Come and find out that life as a homeschooling family can be less stressful, provide you with more family time, and the ability to do the important things your family wants and desires. For the Bartlett's, it was understanding how to incorporate world travel into their learning. For you, it might be something entirely different. <br> <br> You can do this! And you as a parent were designed to do this better than anyone else. Come get a glimpse of what the end can look like and how to enjoy this amazing journey more, as it is the most important work you will ever do.

Dale & Michelle Bartlett
10:00 am - 10:50 am

A Day in the Life of a Well-Educated Heart Family (Brittany Coulson)

I believe we have a common goal to nurture warm, soft hearts in a cold, hard world. The Arts are the language of the heart and mom's heart has a big role to play. We'll look at how to apply The Well-Educated Heart philosophy and the arts: music, poetry, quality literature, nature, and fine art, into everyday life. By doing so, we lay the groundwork for the intellectual learning that complements a carefully prepared, warm heart. I will share real-life experiences from our family's homeschool. Your questions, ideas, and concerns are welcome here!

Brittany Coulson
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Making Sense of Math (Laura Pabst)

Math is a word that strikes fear into most kids' and parents' hearts! Some love it, some hate it. Let's take a look at some options for teaching math so that you can feel better equipped to find the right match for your kiddos, whatever their views are on the subject. We'll explore what various curricula have to offer, so hopefully you won't have a fight on your hands every time you say the "M" word.

Laura Pabst
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Nourishing Foods for Me (Annie Miller)

Annie was changed twenty-three years ago when she learned that there is a difference between food and real food. Over the years, she has developed a sure knowledge that what we eat writes the story of our health now and 50 years from now. She is committed to nourishing herself and her family with foods that support and nourish the body. She loves to share with others how fantastic and doable plant-focused food can be. Real food should be simple, practical, sustainable, and delicious ... honestly.

Annie Miller
11:00 am - 11:50 am

A Day in the Life of a Unit Studies Family (Dana Wood)

Do you have multiple children of all different ages and interests? Do you struggle to keep up with all the grade levels of learning happening in your house? Want to simplify and have fun with your children at the same time? Come learn how to add adventure to your homeschool learning that will add family memories to the curriculum too! This class will answer all your questions about Unit studies and more. It's all here, from the planning stages to the end-of-unit fun.

Dana Wood
11:00 am - 11:50 am

The Matrix of Liberty (Ben Bodrero)

The National Monument to the Forefathers is a stunning 81-foot-tall granite monument built in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to honor the ideals of our Pilgrim forefathers that eventually became foundational to the United States of America. Despite its important and timely message, few people know about the monument. Learn how freedom principles have been symbolically represented in statues and art forms with amazing sequence and relation to give understanding to how true liberty is created and maintained.

Ben Bodrero
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Avoiding (and Navigating) Homeschool Burnout (ToriAnn Perkey)

Math. Reading. Science. History. Music. Art. Sports. PLUS dishes, laundry, field trips, co-op, tantrums, messes ... The list is endless-with burnout lurking around every corner on your homeschool journey. What's a mom to do? Come learn how to successfully homeschool year after year without losing your mind, collapsing from fatigue, or giving up. (And just in case burnout has already hitched a ride and you're running on empty, I've got a few tips for you, too!)

ToriAnn Perkey
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm


1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Inspired, Open & Go Homeschool (Alison Johnsen)

“Therefore, the selection of their first lesson-books is a matter of grave importance, because it rests with these to give children the idea that knowledge is supremely attractive and that reading is delightful.” -Charlotte Mason <br> <br> And what if the mind responsible for selecting these all-important books gets so lost in the choosing and planning that getting to the point of actually presenting these delights is never realized? This was the state of my journey when I first discovered Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education. The principles fed my soul, but everything would stall as I tried to get my overwhelmed brain to think through the implementation. I quickly learned I needed someone else to do the legwork if I ever wanted to shift from philosophy to real-life action. Open. And. Go. Come along and I'll give you an idea of what our typical homeschool day looks like.

Alison Johnsen
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

On the 'Write' Track (ToriAnn Perkey)

From the ABCs to a 10-page essay, writing is a key skill that all homeschooled kids must learn. And yet, many homeschool moms feel overwhelmed at the thought of teaching their kids how to write—especially the dreaded high school essay. Can hope be found lurking among the words and paragraphs? Of course! In this class, filled with key principles and realistic suggestions gleaned from years of teaching writing to hundreds of homeschooled students, ToriAnn will share key principles and top tips to successfully teach your kids to write well at any age.

ToriAnn Perkey
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Living in Confidence (Paige Anderson)

As a homeschooling parent, it can be very easy to second guess choices and be hard on yourself. Yet that is not how your Heavenly Father wants you to live. He wants you to live in confidence in Him. In this class, we will turn to scripture and allow the word of God to teach how as Homeschoolers we can Live in the Confidence of the Lord. In this class, you will learn easy and practical tools that can change the way you feel about your homeschool and how you show up as a homeschooling parent. It is time for you to live in unshakable confidence. Let's do this friends!

Paige Anderson
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

A Day in the Life of a TJEd Family (Kenna Dyches)

“Classics, not textbooks. Time, not content. Inspire, not require.” These are educational principles taught in the Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd) philosophy, also called Leadership Education. But what does it look like in a homeschool home? In this section of the Day in the Life series, I will present to you our family’s way of applying Leadership Education in our home – from when they were all small, to when they were mixed ages, to the present moment when I only have teenagers in my home. If you have questions, bring them! This homeschool journey has been one filled with growth and joy for us as a family, and I’m happy to share our experience with you.

Kenna Dyches
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Seeds of Imagination: Cultivating Young Readers (Joslyn Postma)

How do we teach young readers and cultivate a lifelong love of reading? Learning to read is a huge step for our children. In this session, we will discuss the difference between literacy and reading along with tools and tips to nurture both. Discover how to create a supportive environment, incorporate reading into daily routines, create positive associations with books, and many activities that can complement traditional reading methods.

Joslyn Postma
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Soul on Fire! (Tracy Ward)

John O’Leary says, “A single spark can be harnessed for good…such is the power of a single spark to leap, to be harnessed, to ignite others, and to trigger a righteous inferno. We possess the ability and opportunity to positively and permanently effect change around us. Simple actions and ordinary people change the world. It starts with one. It starts with you. But you have to pay attention.” God plants passions in our hearts to fill us with joy AND to bless this world. Come and discover principles and tools that will increase your ability to pursue your passions while impacting this world for good!

Tracy Ward
3:30 pm - 4:20 pm

A Day in the Life of an Unschooler (Natalie Earl)

"But wait! What do they learn if there is no curriculum? And how will they be successful if they aren't reading by the age of six?" Come learn about unschooling and how kids can learn and thrive without a schedule or curriculum.

Natalie Earl
3:30 pm - 4:20 pm

Creation Science for the Home (Kelly Kunz)

As offspring of our Creator, we are all creative beings. Children are especially curious about the world around them. They love to explore and experiment to find the rules of their environment. As rules are discovered, they naturally apply those rules in creative ways. Come and join us as we explore ways to facilitate and enhance that natural tendency and encourage creative development. Investigating the rules of our Creator will aid our understanding and application in becoming the creative beings we are meant to be.

Kelly Kunz
3:30 pm - 4:20 pm

Peace of Mind in Any Economy and in Every Home (Kathleen Taylor)

With so much uncertainty in the world, we can fortify our minds and our homes. The Mind Model illustrates that there is a way to get different results in life. Don't get caught off guard by the Terror Barrier! (This class is based on work by Leslie Householder, author of <i>The Jackrabbit Factor</i>.)

Kathleen Taylor
4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

A Day in the Life Panel (Brittany Coulson, Kenna Dyches, Natalie Earl, Alison Johnsen, Dana Wood)

Come finish the day with a little more time to ask questions of our philosophy track speakers and discuss the day-to-day details of homeschooling.

Brittany Coulson
Alison Johnsen
Kenna Dyches
Dana Wood
Natalie Earl
4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

How We Accidentally Undermine Our Influence with Our Teens and How to Avoid It (Dan Ralphs)

One of my dreams as a parent is to have my grown children come to me for council when they are old. The question is this: What can we do to begin to create relationships with our children in which they will seek our advice and influence? In this session, we will discuss the universal principles of influence that will help your kids start asking for and listening to your advice. Yes, even your teenagers!

Dan Ralphs
4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

You and Your Body (Be Your Own BFF) (Heidi Bodrero)

Your body is the most amazing friend you have. It is always there for you. It gives you what you need. It talks to you all the time. What kind of friend are you in return? Do you know your body’s language and how it communicates? Join us to learn how you can deepen your relationship with your body and be the friend your body needs in return.

Heidi Bodrero
5:20 pm - 7:00 pm


7:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Youth Talent Show & BYU Ballroom Dance Team

7:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Parent Mentor Chat

Join other homeschooling parents each evening to talk about the classes of the day, struggles you are facing in your homeschool, or the great book you just read. This is the perfect place to find support and new friends! Parent Chats are held near the youth evening activities so parents can participate in both.

8:30 am - 8:55 am

Unwrapped Inspiration

There are perks for arriving on time! We start each morning by handing out tickets for amazing prize drawings which will happen at various times throughout today and tomorrow. These donations are freely gifted to us by our awesome vendors! We end this time with a short inspirational devotional to get the day started on the right foot. <br><br> *Must be present at drawings with your ticket to win.

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Keynote: Home, Heart, and Wisdom: Delving into the Why of Homeschooling (Nellie Boyer)

In this personal and insightful keynote address, Nellie explores the essence of homeschooling through personal experiences. Discover the meaningful reasons that have guided her homeschooling journey and gain valuable insights into creating a nurturing home learning environment. In this keynote, Nellie shares how to navigate the challenges, employ practical strategies, and build a supportive homeschool community.

Nellie Boyer
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Plant-Focused Foods for Families in a Simple, Honest, and Delicious Way (Annie Miller)

Annie was changed twenty-three years ago when she learned that there is a difference between food and real food. Over the years, she has developed a sure knowledge that what we eat writes the story of our health now and 50 years from now. She is committed to nourishing herself and her family with foods that support and nourish the body. She loves to share with others how fantastic and doable plant-focused food can be. Real food should be simple, practical, sustainable, and delicious ... honestly.

Annie Miller
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Happy Mom - Happy Life Mindset (Tracy Rollins)

Parenting definitely has its struggles. Raising seven high-energy humans was demanding yet rewarding. Being a mom every day taught me about my blind spots and where I might best improve. I prayed countless nights to be a better human for my children's sake. At times, I felt like I was in bondage to my emotions. I often prayed, "God, please help me out of the wilderness into my promised land... I know neither one of us likes the me who I am right now." But God didn't take away the struggle; instead, He gave me tools and taught me to use them. What good is a hammer if you don't know what it's used for? <br><br> Understanding how the mind works has given me wings to fly! I'm accomplishing more than I believed possible. I'm hearing God's voice with clarity and confidently moving forward, knowing without a doubt the next right step. It's taken me 30 years of parenting to get this, but I can share the basics in our short time together. ❤️ <br><br> Create - Dream again - With God, nothing is impossible! <br><br> You've got this, Mom and Dad!

Tracy Jo Rollins
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Using the Classics to Inspire Children Day by Day (Melissa Wolfe)

Have you ever wished for a secret tool that will help you better guide your children? What if you could add something easy to your day to inspire learning in your homeschool? Classics are the key! Join Melissa as she shares a peek into the amazing potential and joy available when using classics. You’ll come away with some new ideas and excitement about how to move forward.

Melissa R Wolfe
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Vendor Drawings & Soapbox Presentations

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Spiritually Fortifying Your Home (Tina Bassett)

Are you feeling the weight of unseen yet spiritually tangible attacks on you, your children, and your family? Does it seem like the "Mormon standard answers" aren't enough to defend your home and family anymore? President Russell M. Nelson said, "The adversary is increasing his attacks on faith and upon us and our families at an exponential rate. To survive spiritually, we need counterstrategies and proactive plans." The War in Heaven did not end with Satan and his followers being cast down to this earth. It is not just a nice story to discuss once a year in Sunday School. The truth is that the war simply changed venues, and it rages at an ever-increasing fervor all around us, 24/7. <br><br> Wars are not won by accident. They require thoughtful defensive and offensive strategy, weapons, and sacrifice. The Book of Mormon tells of a brilliant military strategist, Captain Moroni, and details his plan to defend against and defeat his enemy. Come and discover some concrete, actionable strategies based on Captain Moroni's tactics that you can implement in your home right now to increase your spiritual fortifications and arm your family against the adversary and his minions. Most of all, learn why these last days are not a time to be afraid but rather a time to rise up and stand as "lionesses at the gate of the home" (Sister Julie B. Beck) as we grab hold of the spiritual power available to us as covenant daughters of God.

Tina Bassett
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Raising a Self-Led Learner (Kenna Dyches)

Parents dream of self-led learners in their homeschool—children pursuing their own education with internal drive and dedication. And while I recognize that the parent is only one part of the learning equation, there are things that fall under our control as parents that can really make a difference where self-led learning is concerned. Join me as we discuss what we can do to create a home culture and family culture that inspire self-led learning.

Kenna Dyches
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Balancing Marriage and Homeschooling (Melissa R Wolfe)

Come join Melissa R. Wolfe to discuss how homeschooling and marriage impact one another. We’ll talk about the good and the difficult, including how to come together with your spouse to create a united homeschooling vision. Learn how to balance your relationship with the demands of homeschooling, and take the opportunity to ask your questions of a seasoned Marriage and Family professional.

Melissa R Wolfe
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Understanding and Working with Your Brain (Kathleen Taylor)

The part of the brain that sets a goal is NOT the same part that sees it through to accomplishment. Understanding the difference is crucial in getting the results you want. We will talk about the different parts of the brain and how we can capitalize on them working FOR you. (This class is based on work by Leslie Householder, author of <i>The Jackrabbit Factor</i>.)

Kathleen Taylor
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Homeschool 101: Simplify and Create Success (Dale & Michelle Bartlett)

Whether you are a novice or you've been homeschooling for a while, this class will provide a different and unique look at homeschooling. It will create a simpler, and less stressful approach from our twenty years of trial and error. <br><br> Come away saying, "I can do this"! Know that your children can and will succeed despite what you feel are your shortcomings or weaknesses. We will help you fill in the small gaps that make a huge difference.

Dale & Michelle Bartlett
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

How to Be the Parent of a Modern-Day Stripling Warrior (Jason Mow)

The prophet of God looked your children in the eyes, called them “God's heroes,” and then told them that they are the Lord’s youth battalion and have been chosen by God for the greatest of all tasks: to prepare this world for the Savior's return. The youth of today are the modern-day stripling warriors and we, as their parents, are responsible to train them, armor them, and prepare them for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual battles to come. No pressure!!! <br><br> So, how do we do that? Where do we start? Listen as Mr. Jason, a former U.S. Army paratrooper, SWAT team leader, government contractor, and seminary teacher, shares proven insights and ideas on how to raise modern-day stripling warriors.

Jason Mow
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Hands-On Science: Creation Science for the Home (Kelly Kunz)

As offspring of our Creator, we are all creative beings. Children are especially curious about the world around them. They love to explore and experiment to find the rules of their environment. As rules are discovered, they naturally apply those rules in creative ways. Come and join us as we explore ways to facilitate and enhance that natural tendency and encourage creative development. Investigating the rules of our Creator will aid our understanding and application in becoming the creative beings we are meant to be.

Kelly Kunz
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Hands-On Art: Getting Into the Creative Flow (Tracy Rollins)

You will learn and create a basic paint pour that you will be able to easily teach your children and/or groups of children. Instructions and supplies are included. Sign up to attend. Class limited to 15 people.

Tracy Jo Rollins
Use this form to sign up for Hands-On Art: Getting Into the Creative Flow
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Recreational Resources for Kids With Disabilities (National Ability Center, Wasatch Adaptive Sports, Copperview Rec Center, Utah Parent Center)

This class brings together the resources Mike and Elizabeth Lindsey have found in the Utah area that can help homeschoolers with special-needs youth. They bring in several representatives of NAC, WAS, and other knowledgeable homeschoolers to give first-hand guidance and resources that they have found.

Recreational Resources
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Open Mic Comedic Storytelling (Mike Lindsey)

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It burns calories, raises happy endorphins, and wards off wrinkles. <br><br> Come join the party and listen to fellow homeschoolers share their tales of humor from their homeschooling adventures. We invite you to share one of your stories as well. Come get fit and happy with us!

Michael and Elizabeth Lindsey
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm

Vendor Drawings

5:20 pm - 5:45 pm

Volunteer Meeting

Would you or your youth want to help LDSHE next year? Come learn about our organization and see how your talents and time match our needs! We guarantee there is a position that is just right for you. We provide all the training you’ll need to succeed. We promise you’ll find the talents you develop and the friendships you gain to be so rewarding! If you or your youth are even thinking about volunteering, please come to our info meeting and get all your questions answered!

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

"Lantern Festival" Family Dance

The "Lantern Festival" family dance is going to be visually stunning and so much fun for all members of the family. As you dance the night away with your friends and family, you'll feel transported to the markets, parades, and festivals of China!

7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

Parent Mentor Chat

Join other homeschooling parents each evening to talk about the classes of the day, struggles you are facing in your homeschool, or the great book you just read. This is the perfect place to find support and new friends! Parent Chats are held near the youth evening activities so parents can participate in both.

8:30 am - 8:55 am

Unwrapped Inspiration

There are perks for arriving on time! We start each morning by handing out tickets for amazing prize drawings which will happen at various times throughout the day. These donations are freely gifted to us by our awesome vendors! We end this time with a short inspirational devotional to get the day started on the right foot. <br><br> *Must be present at drawings with your ticket to win.

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Keynote: What Do Students Want? (Samuel Martineau)

Whenever people of differing backgrounds and beliefs embark on any shared project, there are difficult questions to answer. This is as true, or more true, in education as it is in society at large. Interacting in co-ops, homeschool classes, or any other educational setting can bring up serious questions about how to navigate difficult disagreements. It is possible to avoid these difficult questions by avoiding those with whom we disagree altogether, but are there principles that can help us turn difficult questions into strengths instead of weaknesses in our educational approach?

Samuel Martineau
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Trust Your Youth! (Brackon Allen)

What does this world need? Aspiring youth. So what do aspiring youth need? Well, youth oftentimes aren’t aspiring unless they have parental support, so your youth need support in order to become aspiring youth.  <br><br> What do you need as a parent? This class!  <br><br> A parent cannot give or lend support unless they trust their youth. It becomes a crucial aspect of raising a child from dependence to independence. I know. It sounds scary. But trust me. It works. Join me as I share with you how I became an aspiring youth and how you can cultivate your youth to become likewise inspired.

Brackon Allen
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Homeschooling the Special Needs Child (Panel Discussion with Elizabeth Lindsey, Rachel Winsley, Anita Huntzinger, Melissa Armstrong, and Alyson Redford)

Come ask questions and learn from other homeschooling moms who have dealt with a range of special needs including Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety Disorders, Language Disorders, and more.

Submit questions for the Special Needs Discussions
Rachel Winsley
Michael and Elizabeth Lindsey
Melissa Armstrong
Alyson Redford
Anita Marie Huntzinger
10:00 am - 10:20 am

Building Faithful Scholars: Seamlessly Integrating Faith into Daily Academics (Nellie Boyer)

Come discover practical strategies to infuse gospel principles into lessons, fostering a holistic approach to learning. This class will discuss ways parents can learn to harmonize academic excellence with the nurturing of faith.

Nellie Boyer
10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Service Room

Help us make a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness as we join Turtle Shelter Project volunteers in their vest-making process. <br>"What is a turtle shelter vest? A high tech but simple solution to help save lives - a portable "shelter" you can carry with you, just like a turtle... and YOU can help!"<br>Take a break from the typical conference classes and wander over to our service room to see what it's all about.

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Vendor Drawings & Soapbox Presentations

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Navigating the Path to Graduation: Dual Enrollment and High School (Nellie Boyer)

This class intends to help you gain essential insights into guiding your children through the dual enrollment journey. Learn practical strategies and tools to help you navigate and balance dual enrollment with homeschooling.

Nellie Boyer
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Tiny Explorers (Joslyn Postma)

The world is an exciting place! As your child transitions from toddler to preschooler, learning is an adventure. This class will introduce ways to make this transition a delightful experience and create an environment where curiosity thrives. Whether you’re getting an early start in homeschooling with your pre-k child or you’re just not sure what to do with your little ones while you teach your other children this class is for you.

Joslyn Postma
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

It Works Out: Successfully Homeschooled (Panel with Rachel Winsley, Peggy Reeder, and Alyson Redford)

Sometimes, as homeschool parents, the greatest challenge we face is our own doubts and fears wondering whether we're doing the right thing. We question everything! Will my kids be able to transition into "the real world?" Can I teach them enough? Will they have a positive view as they look back on their school experience?<br>Naturally, the answers to all of our questions will vary, but generally, we can rest works out. <br> Join this panel discussion where you can ask questions and gain perspective from "successfully homeschooled" adults, both those who recently graduated and those in the thick of home-educating the next generation of children.

Rachel Winsley
Peggy Reeder
Alyson Redford
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Service Room

Help us make a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness as we join Turtle Shelter Project volunteers in their vest-making process. <br>"What is a turtle shelter vest? A high tech but simple solution to help save lives - a portable "shelter" you can carry with you, just like a turtle... and YOU can help!"<br>Take a break from the typical conference classes and wander over to our service room to see what it's all about.

2:30 pm - 3:35 pm

Hands-On Math: Why Math? (Melissa Armstrong)

So you want your kid to learn math? There are so many different reasons you may think this is important. Let’s discuss the reasons to teach math, the stumbling blocks we run into in our execution, and possible solutions moving forward. Math can be beautiful in its execution and in the effect it has on a curious (or not-so-curious) mind.

Melissa Armstrong
2:30 pm - 3:35 pm

Hands-On Writing: Your Views Matter (Marci McPhee)

Change the world with your words! You may be an aspiring writer or a sporadic journal scribbler. You may teach budding authors or reluctant essayists (doing the bare minimum to pass). Wherever you or your students land, this workshop is for you. Marci McPhee has taught and coached hundreds of folks – clients, college undergraduates, and high school students – to improve their writing and own their voice.

Marci McPhee
2:30 pm - 3:35 pm

Incorporating Family History into Your Homeschool (Jon and Laura Pabst)

Do you know who you are? Where is your family from? Who do you look like? What are the blessings that come from knowing the answers? With all the things that we teach or do for school, do we make time for family history? Come learn a few easy ways to make family history a fun part of your homeschool so your family can claim the promised blessings of participating in family history.

Jon and Laura Pabst
3:50 pm - 4:00 pm

Vendor Drawings & Closing Announcements

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Keynote: Why Wait to Be Great? (Paige Anderson)

Hey you! Yes, you, with dreams bigger than your wildest playlist! Life's too short for settling. It's time to dream big, like 'saving the world with a toothpick' big!<br>Come join me and hear my journey. I've been where you are and know those dreams aren't too crazy. Let's turn up the volume on your potential and make your dreams impossible to ignore. Together, let's cue the spotlight on your greatness because you don't need to wait to be great!

Paige Anderson
5:15 pm - 7:00 pm


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Join us for a personalized, family-centered graduation ceremony. Each graduate and his/her parents have the opportunity to share words of wisdom and encouragement in a personalized program highlighting their accomplishments. Each graduate is allowed to write his/ her own graduation remarks, and the parents will hand the diplomas out to their children. This is a meaningful ceremony to mark the transition to bigger and better things. A reception with light refreshments will follow the program.