Tina Bassett

Tina Bassett

Tina is a military wife and mama to three kiddos. She grew up in the Midwest, feels like a Southern belle, and now lives in Utah. She is an accomplished pianist and loves accompanying, especially on the high school and college levels, which feeds her heart for teenagers and young adults. The Bassetts have public schooled, private schooled, part homeschool/part public schooled, and now have loved having all three of their kids home since 2019. Tina looks forward to serving a senior mission with her husband, Cambrin; but in the meantime, she loves to hunker down with a cup of tea, a fuzzy blanket, and a great historical fiction book.

All Sessions by Tina Bassett

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Spiritually Fortifying Your Home (Tina Bassett)

Are you feeling the weight of unseen yet spiritually tangible attacks on you, your children, and your family? Does it seem like the "Mormon standard answers" aren't enough to defend your home and family anymore? President Russell M. Nelson said, "The adversary is increasing his attacks on faith and upon us and our families at an exponential rate. To survive spiritually, we need counterstrategies and proactive plans." The War in Heaven did not end with Satan and his followers being cast down to this earth. It is not just a nice story to discuss once a year in Sunday School. The truth is that the war simply changed venues, and it rages at an ever-increasing fervor all around us, 24/7. <br><br> Wars are not won by accident. They require thoughtful defensive and offensive strategy, weapons, and sacrifice. The Book of Mormon tells of a brilliant military strategist, Captain Moroni, and details his plan to defend against and defeat his enemy. Come and discover some concrete, actionable strategies based on Captain Moroni's tactics that you can implement in your home right now to increase your spiritual fortifications and arm your family against the adversary and his minions. Most of all, learn why these last days are not a time to be afraid but rather a time to rise up and stand as "lionesses at the gate of the home" (Sister Julie B. Beck) as we grab hold of the spiritual power available to us as covenant daughters of God.