Jason Mow

Between the military, two civilian police agencies, and working as a military contractor in Afghanistan for the federal government, Jason has more than 25 years of law enforcement and military experience. He was a paratrooper, patrol officer, field training officer, academy instructor, and detective for gang, narcotics, and street crimes. He spent several years on two different SWAT teams. Jason was twice awarded the Law Enforcement Medal of Honor for conspicuous bravery in the line of duty and was medically retired from the Phoenix Police Dept in 2017 after being critically wounded in the line of duty. His wounds left him unable to walk. Shortly after being wounded, Jason experienced a series of unspeakable tragedies that left him homeless, unemployable, divorced, crippled, and financially ruined all at the same time.

Through God’s grace, and his own Warrior Ethos, Mr. Jason rebuilt his life, learned to walk again, and found unconditional love and healing. He now travels the country helping others to understand what it takes to be a true warrior. His new mission is to help prepare this royal generation to answer the prophet’s call to join the Lord's youth battalion in gathering scattered Israel and preparing the earth for Christ's return.

Jason has a degree in education from Northern Arizona University and is a member of the Governing Board of Directors for a charter school program in the Phoenix area. Jason is the owner of Ethos Productions, a company that specializes in faith-promoting experiences through multi-media. He is the author of the acclaimed historical fiction series The War Chapters as well as his Amazon best-selling autobiography Weighted and Measured and is the creator of the Warrior Ethos, a motivational creed used to inspire others to find the warrior spirit within themselves. Jason is a professional spokesperson, award-winning motivational speaker, life coach, consultant, humanitarian, husband, father, grandfather, and volunteer for his church and community.

All Sessions by Jason Mow

SLC Youth Day 3 05/31/2024
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

The Warrior Ethos

Mr. Jason has over 25 years of law enforcement and military experience. In 2017, he was critically wounded in the line of duty and left unable to walk. As he struggled with unspeakable tragedies that left him homeless, unemployable, divorced, crippled, and financially ruined, Jason was inspired to create the Warrior Ethos. He looked to the examples of his own personal heroes and the lessons he had learned from his elite tactical training and life experiences to guide him back to health. Jason wants others to take the challenge of accepting the Warrior Ethos in their own personal lives. As a motivational speaker, Jason now travels the country, helping others understand what it takes to be a true warrior. His new mission is to help prepare this royal generation to answer the prophet’s call to join the Lord's youth battalion in gathering Israel and preparing the world for Christ's return.

SLC Youth Day 2 05/30/2024
9:00 am - 9:45 am

Heroes of the Book of Mormon (Jason Mow)

Have you ever wondered what it means when the scriptures say, “If all men were like unto Captain Moroni…"? Or why learning about Teancum’s life is important to your spiritual journey? Why were the Lamanites so afraid of Captain Lehi? What does it mean that the stripling warriors fought with the strength of God? What was Mormon, a warrior and prophet, trying to tell us about these great heroes? And why did Mormon stop writing about the gospel of Jesus Christ and drop a war story right in the middle of the most important religious book ever written? <br><br> Come and listen as Mr. Jason draws from his decades of experience as a soldier, SWAT team leader, government contractor, and seminary teacher, and teaches from a warrior’s perspective about why understanding the story of the “war chapters” from the Book of Mormon is vital for our salvation today.

11:00 am - 11:45 am

Situational Awareness & Self-Defense (Jason Mow)

Come and enjoy a fun, judgment-free, interactive, hands-on experience with Mr. Jason as he explains the fundamentals of personal security, self-awareness, and self-defense. From his 30 years of training and real-world application as a soldier, SWAT team leader, government contractor, bodyguard, martial arts instructor, and seminary teacher, Mr. Jason has created a basic self-defense class for youth that focuses on empowerment, common sense, simplicity, and most of all, understanding your personal relationship with God and why He needs you to be safe.

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

How to Be the Parent of a Modern-Day Stripling Warrior (Jason Mow)

The prophet of God looked your children in the eyes, called them “God's heroes,” and then told them that they are the Lord’s youth battalion and have been chosen by God for the greatest of all tasks: to prepare this world for the Savior's return. The youth of today are the modern-day stripling warriors and we, as their parents, are responsible to train them, armor them, and prepare them for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual battles to come. No pressure!!! <br><br> So, how do we do that? Where do we start? Listen as Mr. Jason, a former U.S. Army paratrooper, SWAT team leader, government contractor, and seminary teacher, shares proven insights and ideas on how to raise modern-day stripling warriors.

2024 Gettysburg Wednesday Youth Schedule 05/22/2024
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Situational Awareness (Jason Mow)

Grant Suite
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Self Defense (Jason Mow) Combined with adults

Grant Room

Come and enjoy a fun, judgment-free, interactive, hands-on experience with Mr. Jason as he explains the fundamentals of personal security, self-awareness, and self-defense. From his 30 years of training and real-world application as a soldier, SWAT team leader, government contractor, bodyguard, martial arts instructor, and seminary teacher, Mr. Jason has created a basic self-defense class for the youth that focuses on empowerment, common sense, simplicity, and most of all, understanding your personal relationship with God and why He needs you to be safe.

2024 Gettysburg Thursday Adult Schedule 05/23/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Situational Awareness and How to Teach it to Your Kids (Jason Mow)

Technology Room

Come and enjoy a fun, judgment-free, interactive, hands-on experience with Mr. Jason as he explains the fundamentals of personal security, self-awareness, and self-defense. From his 30 years of training and real-world application as a soldier, SWAT team leader, government contractor, bodyguard, martial arts instructor, and seminary teacher, Mr. Jason has created a basic self-defense class for the youth that focuses on empowerment, common sense, simplicity, and most of all, understanding your personal relationship with God and why He needs you to be safe.

2024 Gettysburg Wednesday Adult Schedule 05/22/2024
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

COMBO-Self Defense (Jason Mow)

Aspire Ballroom

Come and enjoy a fun, judgment-free, interactive, hands-on experience with Mr. Jason as he explains the fundamentals of personal security, self-awareness, and self-defense. From his 30 years of training and real-world application as a soldier, SWAT team leader, government contractor, bodyguard, martial arts instructor, and seminary teacher, Mr. Jason has created a basic self-defense class for the youth that focuses on empowerment, common sense, simplicity, and most of all, understanding your personal relationship with God and why He needs you to be safe.

4:00 pm - 4:50 pm

How to Raise a Modern Day Stripling Warrior (Jason Mow)

Stillwell Room

The prophet of God looked your children in the eyes and called them “God's heroes”, and then told them that they are the Lord’s youth battalions and have been chosen by God for the greatest of all tasks: to prepare this world for the Savior's return. The youth of today are the modern day Stripling Warriors and we, as their parents, are responsible to train them, armor them, and prepare them for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual battles to come…no pressure!!! So, how do we do that? Where do we start? Listen as Mr. Jason, a former U.S. Army paratrooper, SWAT team leader, government contractor and seminary teacher, shares proven insights and ideas on how to raise modern day Stripling Warriors.