Tracy Ward

Tracy is spontaneous, fun, and an ardent believer in possibilities! She LOVES her mission of strengthening families and is always curious what God will ask her to do next in that realm! She and Richard have been happily married for 30 years, a feat she didn’t know was possible until God showed up and taught her that joy in family life CAN be a reality. Her degree in psychology and serving on multiple boards taught her much, but her real education happened in their home. As a long-time homeschooling mama to six children and nana to three, she has learned that small and simple practices such as family read-alouds, watching bugs crawl on a leaf, camping, kayaking, and working together can grow beautiful humans. She is passionately committed to learning, liberty, laughter, courage, redemption, faith, hope, family history, mindset, grit, health, community, and Jesus. Always Jesus.

All Sessions by Tracy Ward

SLC Youth Day 2 05/30/2024
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm

Jesus: Parting Your Red Sea (Tracy Ward)

Mortality is full of tough stuff! We have a body, relationships, weaknesses, sins, accidents, deadlines, disappointments, and big emotions. Life often feels overwhelming and impossible. Sometimes we wonder if God is with us in our challenges. While deliverance often looks different than we expect, we CAN count on Him to part our Red Seas in powerful ways that work for our good. Come and discover tools learned in the furnace of affliction that will increase your understanding of Jesus’ character, power, and peace.

SLC Parent Day 1 05/29/2024
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Soul on Fire! (Tracy Ward)

John O’Leary says, “A single spark can be harnessed for good…such is the power of a single spark to leap, to be harnessed, to ignite others, and to trigger a righteous inferno. We possess the ability and opportunity to positively and permanently effect change around us. Simple actions and ordinary people change the world. It starts with one. It starts with you. But you have to pay attention.” God plants passions in our hearts to fill us with joy AND to bless this world. Come and discover principles and tools that will increase your ability to pursue your passions while impacting this world for good!