Written by Elizabeth Royster, Former Youth Volunteer
Another school year is here and I’m sure everyone is excited to get started. Here are five points of advice to make this follow school year a successful one:

Love Seminary This School Year
Get to bed early enough. For those of you doing seminary, really make an effort to be there every day! It is so worth it. On the days when I miss/don’t have seminary, I can really tell a difference. Seminary can give us the guidance we need and it’s a blessing to start out each day with the Spirit. Make seminary a priority.
Manage Your Time
Have good time management. Set a schedule. I’m one of those people who writes everything for the day in a planner. When I’m done, I check it off. This definitely helps me spend my time a little bit more wisely.
Family Time
Spend time with your family. I know, I know–it probably feels like we spend too much time with our families. Learning together means we can grow together and become closer.
Read good books. Reading is so beneficial to our minds in that it strengthens our vocabulary, allows us to develop creativity, and helps us to discover what we love. We can also learn more about the world around us and about the minds and opinions of other people.
Get Involved This School Year
This school year be involved. Become involved with your ward, community, and with extra curricular activities. This can provide so many opportunities for us! Some good ideas for being involved are sports, service projects, and finishing church programs in Young Men’s and Young Women’s.
Good luck this school year!