Written by Britta Hilton, Former Youth Volunteer
Oftentimes when people start to talk about a workout or exercise and its importance, we tend to roll our eyes and zone out.  It is one of those subjects that we hear about a lot and know it’s important but like to pretend otherwise because, if we’re being honest, it is often inconvenient and uncomfortable! However, I’m here to tell you that working out and keeping your body healthy is not only important, but it can be fun, easy, and quick as well.
Sometimes we paint a picture in our minds that in order to get a good workout you have to go to the gym 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. If you are under this impression, you are DEAD WRONG. No one in the world lives like that, not even Olympic athletes, and it’s not fair or realistic for you to expect that of yourself.

1. Set Realistic Goals
2. Do a Workout You Actually Enjoy
3. Stay Consistent
This last step is perhaps the most important one if you want to make a difference in your life. It doesn’t matter how good your workout is if you don’t go back the next day and build on it. If you want to see changes in your health and live with the benefits of an active, strong body, then the most crucial part is keeping up with whatever workout you choose. The workouts themselves are not the greatest deciding factor; it is your consistency in executing them.
I hope that by applying these tips in your life you can come to love the feeling of pushing your body and looking for opportunities to test and strengthen it!