Tracy Jo Rollins

Tracy Jo Rollins

Tracy Jo is a public speaker and Mindmastery Facilitator. She works closely with renowned best-selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor, Leslie Householder, leading workshops on mind mastery and getting into your creative genius. Her own creative genius led her to start a business called Thera Heart therapeutic art. One of her favorite pastimes is inspiring others in their own health and wellness. She is a raw foodie and a certified Mental Fitness Coach. First and foremost, Tracy Jo is a daughter of the king, mother of seven (several of whom were homeschooled), and grandmother of four. She will tell you that family is what motivates her and the reason she gets out of bed in the morning! Spending time with family is her favorite; other favorite things include oil painting, her dachshund doggies, herbal gardens, and hiking. She just finished one of her bucket list items: hiking the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim. You can find her FREE 4-day challenge on Facebook: Happy Mom, Happy Life Challenge: Her favorite quote is "Don't die with your music in you." She believes JOY can be found in the JOURNEY. She is excited to help you get your creative juices going and flowing!

All Sessions by Tracy Jo Rollins

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Happy Mom - Happy Life Mindset (Tracy Rollins)

Parenting definitely has its struggles. Raising seven high-energy humans was demanding yet rewarding. Being a mom every day taught me about my blind spots and where I might best improve. I prayed countless nights to be a better human for my children's sake. At times, I felt like I was in bondage to my emotions. I often prayed, "God, please help me out of the wilderness into my promised land... I know neither one of us likes the me who I am right now." But God didn't take away the struggle; instead, He gave me tools and taught me to use them. What good is a hammer if you don't know what it's used for? <br><br> Understanding how the mind works has given me wings to fly! I'm accomplishing more than I believed possible. I'm hearing God's voice with clarity and confidently moving forward, knowing without a doubt the next right step. It's taken me 30 years of parenting to get this, but I can share the basics in our short time together. ❤️ <br><br> Create - Dream again - With God, nothing is impossible! <br><br> You've got this, Mom and Dad!

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Hands-On Art: Getting Into the Creative Flow (Tracy Rollins)

You will learn and create a basic paint pour that you will be able to easily teach your children and/or groups of children. Instructions and supplies are included. Sign up to attend. Class limited to 15 people.