Scott Wright

Scott Wright

Scott is a mentor that people are drawn to as he lives and speaks from his heart. In the last several years, he has become a student of indigenous and native practices as well as ancient wisdoms, which has led him to receive gifts of numerous musical instruments including the native flute and drums. Scot shares these healing gifts in music meditations offered privately or in groups. Scott has a profound connection to nature and has spent time understanding the principles of nature and has become an accomplished nature photographer with an active social community. Scott is dedicated to creating mindfulness and sacred space in our daily lives by connecting to nature in activities and practices. His personal relationship with nature has blessed his life in countless ways as he practiced a simple goal-show up and see the beauty.

All Sessions by Scott Wright

SLC Youth Day 2 05/30/2024
11:00 am - 11:45 am

You Are the Music (Scott Wright)

n this participatory experience of rhythm, we will use drums and other percussion instruments (including the body) to have an experience of music. We won't just listen to music. We will play and create something together!