Rachel Winsley

Rachel Winsley

I'm a second-generation homeschooler, military veteran, linguist, bibliophile, hobbyist, and mother of two girls.

Our family goals:
Increased independence in pediatric diabetes management for Annabelle, my 9yo.
Successful transition to Christian private school for my 7yo.
Maintain my 4.0 in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling at Utah State University.

I can't wait to see what our family can create together in the future.
Ephesians 2:8-9

All Sessions by Rachel Winsley

SLC Parent Day 3 05/31/2024
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Homeschooling the Special Needs Child (Panel Discussion with Elizabeth Lindsey, Rachel Winsley, Anita Huntzinger, Melissa Armstrong, and Alyson Redford)

Come ask questions and learn from other homeschooling moms who have dealt with a range of special needs including Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety Disorders, Language Disorders, and more.

1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

It Works Out: Successfully Homeschooled (Panel with Rachel Winsley, Peggy Reeder, and Alyson Redford)

Sometimes, as homeschool parents, the greatest challenge we face is our own doubts and fears wondering whether we're doing the right thing. We question everything! Will my kids be able to transition into "the real world?" Can I teach them enough? Will they have a positive view as they look back on their school experience?<br>Naturally, the answers to all of our questions will vary, but generally, we can rest assured...it works out. <br> Join this panel discussion where you can ask questions and gain perspective from "successfully homeschooled" adults, both those who recently graduated and those in the thick of home-educating the next generation of children.