Nephi Zufelt

Nephi is a servant of Christ; Elizabeth’s devoted husband; Zoe, Ainsley, Keller, Melina, and Stratton’s homeschooling father; world traveler; and a wannabe church basketball star. In his free time from these important roles, he is the CEO of NexTek Innovations (a medical device incubator), entrepreneur, founder and president of Wealth Mentality Families, author of two best-selling books: Katie Bell and the Wishing Well: A Story of Finding True Wealth and The Big Startup Guidebook for Kids, and keynote speaker.

Nephi grew up in the beautiful landscape of Moab, Utah and graduated from Utah State with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering and MBA from the University of Tennessee. He has spent ten years working his way into a senior leadership role at a medical device manufacturing company only to turn around and leave it all for the uncertainty of startups and entrepreneurship so he could spend time doing what was most important to him; raising his family.

Nephi still enjoys the process of innovation and creation in the world of medical devices but finds his true passion in teaching and helping families to find their true purpose and create the life they desire. He teaches parents and youth how to avoid falling into the traps of worldliness and consumption while also pursuing true wealth in the correct way to be used in the service of others.

All Sessions by Nephi Zufelt

2024 Gettysburg Thursday Youth Schedule 05/23/2024
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Future Career/After College Success (Nephi Zufelt)

Powell Room

What is all of this education for? In the end, your parents just want to see you find success and happiness in your life. In this class, we will discuss how we can shape our future right now and direct our lives toward our own version of success and happiness.

2024 Gettysburg Wednesday Youth Schedule 05/22/2024
9:00 am - 9:50 am

Opening Keynote (Nephi Zufelt)

Aspire Ballroom
2024 Gettysburg Thursday Adult Schedule 05/23/2024
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Cast Vision More Than Course Correct (Nephi Zufelt)

Stillwell Room

Learning is hard work, that's what makes it worthwhile. Unfortunately, it is also what makes it hard. However, there are those golden moments when the hard work of learning becomes easy because it lines up with one of our passions, a goal we have, or one of our innate gifts. In this class, we will discuss how we can spend less time correcting our children and getting them back on task and more time on helping them connect with their own internal inspiration.

4:00 pm - 4:50 pm

What Can I Do to Help With Homeschooling?: Dad's Panel

Technology Room
2024 Gettysburg Wednesday Adult Schedule 05/22/2024
9:00 am - 9:50 am

Opening Keynote with Youth (Nephi Zufelt)

Aspire Ballroom