Melissa R Wolfe

Melissa R Wolfe

Melissa is a leader in her Idaho homeschool community. She has enjoyed supporting and enriching the journey of other people by offering workshops and presentations since the year 2000. She earned her master's degree in marriage and family counseling in 2005. Melissa enjoys mentoring moms and youth in their homeschooling journey. She offers classes to support her community in all facets of their relationships.

All Sessions by Melissa R Wolfe

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Using the Classics to Inspire Children Day by Day (Melissa Wolfe)

Have you ever wished for a secret tool that will help you better guide your children? What if you could add something easy to your day to inspire learning in your homeschool? Classics are the key! Join Melissa as she shares a peek into the amazing potential and joy available when using classics. You’ll come away with some new ideas and excitement about how to move forward.

1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Balancing Marriage and Homeschooling (Melissa R Wolfe)

Come join Melissa R. Wolfe to discuss how homeschooling and marriage impact one another. We’ll talk about the good and the difficult, including how to come together with your spouse to create a united homeschooling vision. Learn how to balance your relationship with the demands of homeschooling, and take the opportunity to ask your questions of a seasoned Marriage and Family professional.