Kenna Dyches

Kenna Dyches, is a faith-filled truth seeker, a happy wife, and homeschooling mother who loves helping others in their own personal journeys to progress, learn, and become! Besides her first focus on her own six children, over her sixteen years of homeschooling she has created many learning projects, organized mom groups, and taught classes to all ages. Kenna believes in youth and loves her interaction with the growing generation as there is so much greatness there! She is the founder of the Compassionate Entrepreneur Club where youth and family gather to learn skills and make a difference, one charitable event at a time. Kenna truly believes that the onward and upward journey of reaching for genius is filled with joy and she loves the process of growing together with her students and friends.

All Sessions by Kenna Dyches

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

Raising a Self-Led Learner (Kenna Dyches)

Parents dream of self-led learners in their homeschool—children pursuing their own education with internal drive and dedication. And while I recognize that the parent is only one part of the learning equation, there are things that fall under our control as parents that can really make a difference where self-led learning is concerned. Join me as we discuss what we can do to create a home culture and family culture that inspire self-led learning.

SLC Parent Day 1 05/29/2024
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

A Day in the Life of a TJEd Family (Kenna Dyches)

“Classics, not textbooks. Time, not content. Inspire, not require.” These are educational principles taught in the Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd) philosophy, also called Leadership Education. But what does it look like in a homeschool home? In this section of the Day in the Life series, I will present to you our family’s way of applying Leadership Education in our home – from when they were all small, to when they were mixed ages, to the present moment when I only have teenagers in my home. If you have questions, bring them! This homeschool journey has been one filled with growth and joy for us as a family, and I’m happy to share our experience with you.

4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

A Day in the Life Panel (Brittany Coulson, Kenna Dyches, Natalie Earl, Alison Johnsen, Dana Wood)

Come finish the day with a little more time to ask questions of our philosophy track speakers and discuss the day-to-day details of homeschooling.