Katherine Allen

Katherine Allen

Katherine Allen was born, and then she grew up, and then she got some college degrees, and then she got married, and then she got some children, and then she HOMESCHOOLED them!!!! SCREEEECH!!!! Eventually she got to be an early-morning seminary teacher where she learned how to talk to youth in her sleep. Now she’s here to talk to you. Prepare to take in Katherine Allen!

All Sessions by Katherine Allen

2024 Gettysburg Friday Youth Schedule 05/24/2024
9:00 am - 9:50 am

Come, Follow the Leader! Come, Be the Leader! (Katherine Allen)

Powell Room

You've probably heard it before: You're a leader. Well, guess what? It's true! In this presentation we'll start by reminding you of something just as important. You are also a follower! The best leaders are also the best followers. Our goal is to follow Jesus Christ and serve others as He did. In the process, we become leaders as we show others the way to Him. You will see how leadership is about choosing who to follow and how to follow. And sometimes its about leading from behind. You will see that you are more than the leaders of the future, you are already the leaders of today.

2024 Gettysburg Wednesday Youth Schedule 05/22/2024
11:00 am - 11:50 am

The Gospel and your Testimony: A Time Travel Tour! (Katherine Allen)

Longstreet Suite A

The church is true, the book is blue ... but don't let your testimony feel like a zoo! Have you ever wondered about the real difference between the church and the gospel? NO?? Well start wondering because it's important! With so many different ideas out there, it's enough to make you feel like a bunch of monkeys got loose in your head. Come learn about the difference between the church and the gospel and what it means to be covenant sons and daughters of God. We will travel through each dispensation of the gospel starting with Adam and Eve and their crazy encounter with the reptile exhibit, then take a ride on Noah's floating zoo, and stop by Egypt for a visit with Moses and his plague of frogs. We will learn how the church has changed during each dispensation and see that, despite the differences throughout time, it has always worked to help each of us receive and live the gospel and learn how to feed His sheep. Because, as every zookeeper knows, you can't forget feeding time!