Foundation Builder Guide

Foundation Builder Guide

We are an organization of Women seeking truth by increasing our ability to make connections and find meaning through studying the Hebraic Natural Laws of Creation. This empowers us individually to change, heal and shine deeper meaning on all things that bring us closer to God, helping us reach our potential. We develop greater skills and abilities as we serve together through Leadership Environments in our online classroom and in-person retreat gatherings. We believe in bringing families back to their roots through studying the Ancient Ways. We are re-establishing the Central Classic of America–The Bible/Word of God– as we learn the symbolic layers of meanings from its original language. This gives us a common language to learn and share together. We are showing how to discover and see the hidden Hebraic patterns in the Word and in nature and all of Creation. Our "At Home" Resources help Mothers learn these principles along with their children in a primary and simple manner. Our Depth-Study for Women, provides a guide, mentor and community that nourishes her along her grand adventure of discovering the Natural Law Principles of Creation. This equips her with eyes to see and an open heart, while traveling her journey as a nurturer and deliverer of truth and nourishment to others.

All Sessions by Foundation Builder Guide

Vendors Salt Lake City 05/30/2024
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Vendor Hall