Douglas Monk

Douglas Monk

Doug is a retired U.S. diplomat who spent most of his career overseas. He developed a love for world travel while serving as one of the first missionaries in the Soviet Union. He enjoys the outdoors and has practiced primitive camping skills in the jungles of Indonesia and Thailand, the Saudi Arabian desert, the forests of Virginia, and the Mountains of Utah. He has been lost in the desert, sheltered overnight in a cave during a flash flood, experienced altitude sickness at Mt. Everest base camp, and has enjoyed every minute of it. He has served as a young men’s advisor for fifteen years across seven wards and three continents. He is married with two children at BYU and one graduating from high school this summer.

All Sessions by Douglas Monk

2024 Gettysburg Friday Youth Schedule 05/24/2024
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Wilderness Survival Skills (Doug Monk)

Aspire Ballroom

In this class, we will learn wilderness survival priorities and how to overcome outdoor emergency situations. At the end of the class, attendees should be better prepared for outdoor emergencies, as well as discover fun new skills to practice while camping.