Brittany Coulson

Brittany married her high school sweetheart after waiting for him on his mission. They're raising four beautiful children, and enjoying the adventure that family life is. She became a devoted homeschool mom when her oldest daughter was a baby, and a prompting came with counsel not to delegate her most important responsibility to someone she hardly knew. "Heavenly Father knew what he was doing because it took those five years of preparation for me to feel ready to skip kindergarten registration." It hasn't always been easy, but the blessings of homeschooling have been so rich and fulfilling. She loves building community, finding friendships, and supporting other families on their journey.

All Sessions by Brittany Coulson

SLC Parent Day 1 05/29/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

A Day in the Life of a Well-Educated Heart Family (Brittany Coulson)

I believe we have a common goal to nurture warm, soft hearts in a cold, hard world. The Arts are the language of the heart and mom's heart has a big role to play. We'll look at how to apply The Well-Educated Heart philosophy and the arts: music, poetry, quality literature, nature, and fine art, into everyday life. By doing so, we lay the groundwork for the intellectual learning that complements a carefully prepared, warm heart. I will share real-life experiences from our family's homeschool. Your questions, ideas, and concerns are welcome here!

4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

A Day in the Life Panel (Brittany Coulson, Kenna Dyches, Natalie Earl, Alison Johnsen, Dana Wood)

Come finish the day with a little more time to ask questions of our philosophy track speakers and discuss the day-to-day details of homeschooling.