Annie Miller

Annie Miller

Annie was raised in New Mexico and later moved to Idaho, where she met and married Lincoln "The Handsome" Miller. Idaho introduced her to a more rugged kind of lifestyle, and together the Millers choose to make Idaho home. They stay busy planting gardens, milking goats, and growing pasture chickens while being raised by their six sons and two daughters. She plays the string bass and loves the dirt and everything that comes from it. In her heart, Annie believes she is an oil painter.

All Sessions by Annie Miller

SLC Parent Day 2 05/30/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Plant-Focused Foods for Families in a Simple, Honest, and Delicious Way (Annie Miller)

Annie was changed twenty-three years ago when she learned that there is a difference between food and real food. Over the years, she has developed a sure knowledge that what we eat writes the story of our health now and 50 years from now. She is committed to nourishing herself and her family with foods that support and nourish the body. She loves to share with others how fantastic and doable plant-focused food can be. Real food should be simple, practical, sustainable, and delicious ... honestly.

SLC Parent Day 1 05/29/2024
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Nourishing Foods for Me (Annie Miller)

Annie was changed twenty-three years ago when she learned that there is a difference between food and real food. Over the years, she has developed a sure knowledge that what we eat writes the story of our health now and 50 years from now. She is committed to nourishing herself and her family with foods that support and nourish the body. She loves to share with others how fantastic and doable plant-focused food can be. Real food should be simple, practical, sustainable, and delicious ... honestly.