Alison Johnsen

Alison Johnsen

Alison started her homeschooling journey a dozen years ago, and though it began with a begrudging answer to the call from heaven, she has grown to love the life and community that homeschooling offers. Alison learned the value of volunteerism from her mother and contributes her time and talents in a number of outlets, with her church, homeschool co-op, and Girl Scouts being chief among them. Alison loves reading, playing games with family and friends, and watching for deer out her passenger window.

All Sessions by Alison Johnsen

SLC Parent Day 1 05/29/2024
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Inspired, Open & Go Homeschool (Alison Johnsen)

“Therefore, the selection of their first lesson-books is a matter of grave importance, because it rests with these to give children the idea that knowledge is supremely attractive and that reading is delightful.” -Charlotte Mason <br> <br> And what if the mind responsible for selecting these all-important books gets so lost in the choosing and planning that getting to the point of actually presenting these delights is never realized? This was the state of my journey when I first discovered Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education. The principles fed my soul, but everything would stall as I tried to get my overwhelmed brain to think through the implementation. I quickly learned I needed someone else to do the legwork if I ever wanted to shift from philosophy to real-life action. Open. And. Go. Come along and I'll give you an idea of what our typical homeschool day looks like.

4:30 pm - 5:20 pm

A Day in the Life Panel (Brittany Coulson, Kenna Dyches, Natalie Earl, Alison Johnsen, Dana Wood)

Come finish the day with a little more time to ask questions of our philosophy track speakers and discuss the day-to-day details of homeschooling.