SLC Parent Schedule

*Schedule subject to change.

8:30 am - 8:50 am

Donut Devotional w/ Youth

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Embracing Your Authentic Self to Truly Connect With Others (Will Rubio)

The strongest connections don’t come from trying to impress others—they come from being real. True connection starts with understanding and accepting yourself first. When you embrace your own story, strengths, and even struggles, you create space for genuine relationships built on trust and meaning. In this session, we’ll explore how self-acceptance leads to deeper connections with others, why people-pleasing holds us back, and how compassion for yourself allows you to offer it to others.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Forget the Curriculum—Start with a Homeschool Philosophy (Susie McGann)

Choosing a curriculum before defining your homeschool philosophy is like picking a car before knowing where you’re going! In this session, we’ll explore different educational philosophies and walk you through the process of identifying your own. You’ll learn how to shape your homeschool and lifestyle around your philosophy—making your days more meaningful and way less overwhelming. Plus, you might realize you don’t even need a boxed curriculum at all! Come ready to think outside the box and create a homeschool experience that truly fits your family.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Using YouTube to Explore Historical Events and Perspectives (Andrea Mabey)

YouTube hosts a wide range of specialized channels dedicated to niche historical topics, so learners can dive deep into areas of history that they might not find in textbooks or traditional resources. YouTube is convenient and affordable. There are a wide range of viewpoints on historical events. This class offers you a free curriculum of links to amazing videos on ancient and medieval history.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Unlocking the Magic of Family Read-Alouds! (Tracy Ward)

Family reads are magical…or so you’ve been told. Often times, the result doesn’t feel like a happy potion at all—restless children, so-called boring books, and sulking teens—is it all a bunch of smoke and mirrors? Become a believer by starting with your why and adding tried and true hows to your repertoire. As a creator of read-aloud enchantment for the past 31 years, I have piles of tricks up my sleeve to help you create literary magic within your own family. You can do this, I promise!

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Well-Educated Heart: A Way of Living (Andrea Thomas)

"The whole world is full of unworked joy-mines. Everywhere we go we find all sorts of ​happiness-producing material, if we only know how to extract it." — Orison Swett Marden

What exactly is Well-Educated Heart? First off, it's not a curriculum. It's a way of living that will last long after your children leave your home. It will look different for everyone. Come "catch the vision" as you learn a different approach to learning: a heart-based approach. Marlene Peterson said, "I have come to believe the purpose of education is to help children live lives of maximum joy." And it all starts with you, Mama.

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Brain and Motion and How It Affects Learning (Millie Hoggan)

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Even Queens Need a Mentor: The Value of Finding a Mentor in Every Season (Tina Bassett)

Each of us was sent to earth at this specific time with a specific purpose. Like Esther in the Bible, we "have come to the kingdom for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14) Thankfully, God does not expect us to find and fulfill our purpose alone. He has prepared mentors to walk along side us as we navigate the various seasons in our lives. Whatever season you find yourself in, come learn from the story of Esther and Mordecai as we explore the importance of mentors, what to look for in a mentor, and the traits we need to cultivate to be mentored well.

11:50 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - A

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - B

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - C

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

EPIC Adventures - Unleashing the Power of Your Child's Brain (Melanie Cameron)

The brain is a wonderful thing! Learning HOW the brain not only learns, but also stores information is vital to your child's success. Perhaps even more important is learning how to help your child store what they learn in their long-term memory and in a way that makes it easy to retrieve.

EPIC Adventures use modern brain research into how children learn and retain information to help you create a learning environment that gives your child the best chance for academic success.

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Worldschooling 101: How to Take Your Homeschool on the Road (Susie McGann)

Dreaming of worldschooling but not sure how to make it happen? You’re not alone! In this session, I’ll share what I’ve learned from nearly four years of worldschooling—from living in the jungles of the Andes with five kids and no washing machine to starting a homeschool co-op in Medellín, Colombia, to full-time RVing across the U.S. We’ll cover the mindset shifts and practical steps to get from thinking about it to actually doing it, plus how to keep homeschooling running smoothly on the road. You’ll also hear what not to do so you can avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your family’s travel adventures!

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Planning Your Educational Year (Kenna Dyches)

Let's talk schedules and organization! Do you feel overwhelmed when thinking about planning for the next school year? With principles that can apply no matter the age of your kids or homeschool style of your home, this class aims to overcome overwhelm and to welcome confidence in its place. Leave with ideas of how to define your goals, build your schedule, and move forward with confidence, whether you prefer spontaneity or a complete outline of the year.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Understanding A Thomas Jefferson Education (Joslyn Postma)

A Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd), also known as Leadership Education, is centered on nurturing a child’s unique genius and recognizing that every individual has an important mission or purpose. A great education is one that helps a student discover and prepare for that mission. This session will provide an overview of the principles of Leadership Education and how their influence can lead to a child taking ownership of their education. I will share how I have applied these principles in my home with children ranging from toddler to young adult.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

U.S. Constitution: Engaging and Easy Ways to Teach It (Debbi Rollo)

Learn a variety of fun, easy, and engaging ways to teach the Constitution as part of your homeschool. The rising generation holds the hope of America's future liberty in their hands. It is vital that they (and adults) learn how our government works and the founding principles upon which our country was established. In this presentation, you will discover a long list of ideas, tools, and resources to help your children and your family experience the U.S. Constitution and its values. This can be done by adding it to many of things which you are already doing (spelling words, penmanship, keyboarding practice, etc.). Give your family the gift of knowledge regarding the Divinely inspired United States Constitution.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Building Transcripts (Dana Wood)

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

A Charlotte Mason Method: Create a Family Culture of Respect, Wonder, and Growth (Jazel Thomas)

Is a Charlotte Mason method right for you? Come and consider the classical–based principles of teaching that Charlotte Mason shared more than 100 years ago: a holistic and flexible approach to homeschooling that educates the whole family. Discover how to create a engaging and respectful atmosphere at home. Cultivate good habits, and feed your child's mind with rich ideas from nature, art, and literature. As Charlotte Mason said: “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

A Chat with Retired Homeschool Moms (Melanie Cameron, Tori Ann Perkey, Christena Reeder, Dana Wood)

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

Neuro Wellness: Mental Health and Well Being (Tara Carling)

5:05 pm - 7:00 pm

Dinner Break

7:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Youth Talent Show

7:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Parent Mentor Chat

8:30 am - 8:50 am

Unwrapped Inspiration

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Opening Keynote (Jon Bytheway)

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Tools for Relationship Building (Stewart Parry)

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Dreams, Visions, and Mottos (Emily Woodland)

Whether you are a beginning or seasoned homeschooler, knowing your purpose or vision is paramount to your success on this journey. Creating mottos, vision statements, and boards will help make your dreams a reality. They will be key to keeping you in the right direction. Come get inspired on how to individually make your foundation grounded and rekindle the light to your "why" for home education.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Patterns of Revelation (Tia Smith)

President Nelson has encouraged us to "Grow into the Principle of Revelation." To do this, we must first understand the patterns to understand the principle. What are the components to revelation and how do we implement them in our own lives? There is a formula of sorts that exists both in the scriptures and from the teachings of all prophets, past and present. When we understand what doctrines are involved and how to apply them, we will receive revelation upon revelation. As we consistently grow into the principle of revelation, we will fill up our own "small plates" with continuous, revelatory messages from heaven.

11:00 am - 11:50 am

The Untapped Power of Stillness (Tiffany Parry)

Do you feel overwhelmed and rushed with the chaos and hyper speed of our society and life? Do you sometimes feel like the gospel falls short of the expectations you have for it in your life? Do you feel like a lot of things we are asked to do in the gospel add to your ever-growing and overwhelming to-do list? Do you struggle to “Hear Him”? Or do you just wish for a deeper connection? This class (based on my learning from the book “The Power of Stillness” by Hess, Skarda, Anderson, and Mansfield) is designed to awaken your mind to the power that lies in stillness. Christ’s teachings and examples model stillness, and the gospel has many built-in opportunities for mindful stillness—opportunities to pause, catch our breath, and drink in Christ’s living water. However, we often end up looking at these sacred practices as just more things to do. Infusing our spiritual practices with more mindfulness, stillness, space, and silence changes them profoundly—into what they were meant to be. Come learn how stillness can bring power, peace, and a stronger relationship with your Savior into your life!

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Intense Stewardship: Models from the Book of Mormon (MD House)

Real-life examples of people who exercised incredible faith and took full advantage of their talents and opportunities to serve Heavenly Father's children abound in the Book of Mormon. We are ALL leaders in various aspects and spheres of responsibility, empowered by our covenants (including premortal covenants) to organize efforts, overcome obstacles, and marshal miracles.

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Helping Your Children Fulfill Their Purpose: Guiding Them to Greatness (Paige Anderson)

As parents, we want to help our children discover their purpose and reach their fullest potential. This class will give you the tools and insights you need to guide your kids on their journey toward the greatness God has planned for them. You'll learn how to help your children find the right mentors who will inspire and support them, as well as how to encourage them in discovering what they were sent to earth to do. We’ll also dive into how you can assist them in developing the skills to receive personal revelation, helping them make decisions that align with their true path. You’ll leave with practical strategies to support your children as they take the steps toward fulfilling their unique purpose and growing into the amazing individuals they are meant to be.

11:50 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - A

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - B

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - C

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Think, Build! An Elementary Engineering Workshop (Joslyn Postma)

Looking for engaging, hands-on ways to introduce your children to engineering? This workshop will prepare you with fun, simple activities that teach problem-solving and creativity using everyday materials. Learn how to encourage critical thinking through challenges that encourage kids to design, build, and experiment.

It is important to note that engineering is more enjoyable when it’s hands-on. Be prepared for audience participation!

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

A Restoration of Education: Preparing Hearts and Minds for the Millennium (Ali Cannon Eisenach)

Jesus Christ is coming, and as we prepare for His return, we have a powerful opportunity to reflect on what education might look like during the Millennium. What are the principles of education as the Lord intended?

In this class, we will explore the original vision of the prophets for education, what has been lost over time, and how we can restore Christ to the center of our personal and family learning. By aligning our education with eternal truths, we can prepare our hearts and minds for the glorious day when the Savior returns.

Come ready to see learning in a whole new light, embrace a Christ-centered vision for education, and be inspired to teach and learn in a way that truly prepares us for His coming!

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

When Life Gives You Lobsters, Make Bisque (James Perry)

Life will always have challenges, and that’s a good thing. The skill of humor will help you create joy from it: HARD + HUMOR = HAPPY

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Make Your Own Commonplace Book Junk Journal (Christine Owens)

Come let your hands get crafty at this hands-on workshop. We will be learning how to turn an old book into a Commonplace Junk Journal. Commonplace books have been used for centuries by leaders and philosophers like Mark Twain, C. S. Lewis, W. H. Auden, Virginia Woolf, Ronald Reagan, and Marcus Aurelius as a place to collect quotes and thoughts. So why not do it in a fun and creative way?!? This is a skill you can teach to your children. You will also learn some commonplace book techniques to make the most of your new creation. If you sign up for this hands-on workshop, all supplies will be provided, and you will leave with a finished product.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Building the Homeschool Mom's Ultimate Reading List (Alison Johnsen, Joslyn Postma)

Gather round with fellow homeschool moms to collaborate and compile a curated list of great books for yourself and your children. This roundtable discussion will focus on sharing high-quality literature that inspires, educates, and enriches homeschooling families. We will exchange book recommendations across various genres and age groups and foster a supportive network of book-loving, homeschool moms. At the end of our hour together, attendees will leave with a shared reading list and hopefully a new friend or two.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

The Art of Playing Math (Jaylee Willis)

Five principles can transform your children's experience with math, making it easy and fun! In this seminar, I will share these principles with tips on how to implement them into your family culture.

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

Recharge! (Jen Cloward, Jennah Martin)

Recharge your health through easy-to-implement daily revitalizing habits! The small things are often forgotten in the shuffle of everyday life. As healers (aka - moms), it's important to be at the top of your game mentally, emotionally and physically. Explore six daily habits with us that are simple to incorporate, but will make a massive difference in your health. These are habits that you can easily teach your children to set them up for a life of health and wellness. As homeschooling parents, that's what you strive for, right? These simple habits are designed to bring you to optimal health and keep you at the top of your game.

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

I’d Rather Laugh About It (Jenni Sheffield)

Homeschooling is a full-time pursuit. With little to no time for ourselves, burnout is a real possibility. Sometimes, we just want to put ourselves into time-out and cry our eyes out. I don’t know about you, I’d rather laugh about it. Give yourself an hour of comic relief! Shake off the information overload by laughing about all we go through as moms, wives, and teachers.

4:15 pm - 5:05 pm

Divine Threads: Weaving Purpose and Mission into Your Daily Life (Ali Cannon Eisenach)

As homeschooling moms, it’s easy to feel like our days are filled with endless tasks—lessons, meals, and responsibilities—but what if every moment was part of a divine mission? God is not only guiding your efforts to teach and nurture your children, but He is also calling you to grow, create, and develop the gifts He has given you.

This class will help you see the sacred purpose in homeschooling while also discovering how to develop your own talents, bless others, and honor God in unique and meaningful ways. True education isn’t just for our children—it’s a lifelong journey for us, too. Come ready to be inspired, to see your daily work with new eyes, and to embrace the divine threads God is weaving through your life!

5:05 pm - 7:00 pm

Dinner Break

7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

Night at the Disco! Family Dance

7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

Parent Mentor Chat

8:30 am - 8:50 am

Unwrapped Inspiration

9:00 am - 9:50 am

Opening Keynote (Connor Boyack)

10:00 am - 10:50 am

The Savior and Mental Wellness (Eric Richards)

Our potential to become like our Heavenly Parents is a central theme in the gospel—and brain health is a catalyst to this divine destination. Come learn tips on how to find stability during trials or while in emotional trauma—or when dealing with a painful memory—by looking through the lens of the doctrine of Christ.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Battle-Proven Secrets to Inspiring Greatness and Raising a Warrior (Jason Mow)

The prophet of God looked your children in the eyes, called them “God's heroes,” and then told them that they are the Lord’s youth battalions and have been chosen by God for the greatest of all tasks: to prepare this world for the Savior's return. The youth of today are the modern-day Stripling Warriors and we, as their parents, are responsible to train them, armor them, and prepare them for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual battles to come… No pressure!!!

So, how do we do that? Where do we start? Listen as Mr. Jason, a former U.S. Army paratrooper, SWAT team leader, government contractor, and high school seminary teacher, shares proven insights and ideas on how to raise modern-day Stripling Warriors.

10:00 am - 10:50 am

Class Info Coming Soon

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Creating Zion in Your Home (Tina Bassett)

Life is chaotic and relationships are messy, and yet, we are told to create Zion, a people "of one heart and one mind." (Moses 7:18) What seems like a lofty, nearly impossible goal is actually a very practical work that begins with ourselves and in our homes. Come catch the vision of your Zion home and leave with a concrete action plan to transform your home into a unified sanctuary of peace, love, and joy.

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Stepping into The Family Proclamation: A Real Man's Role (Bruce Hoggan)

Breaking it down to break us down and understanding it better as we understand our real selves better. Do not expect a fluffy discussion. Laughter and tears are permitted. While intended for men ages 8 and up, the daughters of God are more than welcome, too. Our war is about to change. Which of the three armies will you be with?

11:00 am - 11:50 am

Training Your Children to be Independent (Merrilee Boyack)

Did you look at your new baby and think, "Now what do I do?" We'll be discussing very practical ways to teach and train your children in life skills, finances, and more so that they can be independent adult. Prepare to come away with lots of tools and ideas jam-packed into one hour!

11:50 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - A

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - B

1:15 pm - 2:05 pm

Vendor Workshop - C

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Motivating Reluctant Readers & Writers (Brandon Mull)

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Dads, We Need You (Nephi Zufelt)

The world has a "dad problem." Study after study demonstrates the dire effects of fatherlessness on society. Crime rate, sexual immorality, success in school, drug use, lifetime earnings, and every other measure of success are drastically different between families that have a father in the home and those that do not. Dads, we need you in the lives of your children. We need you home more often. We need you engaged with your family. We need you to be spending quality time with them, and we need you to take the leadership role in homeschooling. In this class, we will talk about the importance of your role as a father and how you can arrange your life to better fulfill your dream job—being the World’s Best Dad.

2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

Teaching From Rest (Jazel Thomas)

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Introduction to the UM (Universal Model)—A New Millennial Science (Boyd Tuttle)

This presentation offers an exciting introduction to The Universal Model – A New Millennial Science (UM), a revolutionary approach to science that challenges conventional theories with new, evidence-based discoveries. Unlike traditional textbooks that rely on outdated assumptions, UM presents observable, testable principles that redefine our understanding of geology, physics, chemistry, and biology.

Students and homeschooling parents will explore key UM concepts, including:
- The Hydroplanet Model – showing how water plays a fundamental role in planetary formation.
- The True Rock Cycle – revealing how rocks form rapidly under natural conditions, not millions of years.
- The nature of electricity, magnetism, and gravity from a fresh, empirical perspective.
- The importance of questioning scientific dogma and developing critical thinking skills.

Why is this important for homeschoolers? UM fosters curiosity, independent thinking, and real-world scientific inquiry, providing an alternative to mainstream science that aligns with observable reality and scripture. By engaging with UM, students develop confidence in scientific reasoning, preparing them for higher learning and a strong foundation of discovery-based education.

3:15 pm - 4:05 pm

Greek vs Hebrew Views of Truth and Why it Matters (Tracy Ward)

We are swimming in the waters of a Greek world we inherited from Plato, Socrates, and the great thinkers of the Western World. That perspective views truth as an idea, while the Hebrew perspective views truth as a person. “This is why many of the questions we ask—however simple and honest they may seem—simply do not have immediate answers. It is because our questions implicitly assume a Greek world, and we are dealing with a Hebrew faith. The idea view of truth (and its Greek assumptions) has made the Hebrew tradition and belief look like nonsense” (Thayne & Grant). Come and learn the differences between these two ways of thinking! In doing so, you will deepen your search for truth, embolden your faith, and increase the power of Jesus Christ in your life.

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

The Power of Coming Together to Accomplish Great and Heroic Things (Brandon Mull)

5:05 pm - 7:00 pm

Dinner Break

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
