Twelve Steps for Avoiding Homeschool Burn-out

It is interesting and even shocking to realize that over 86% of the parents who felt inspired to homeschool their children, quit within three years. Why? What makes some parents stick it out, and most others give it up? Dr. Kimber will explain the twelve ways to help you “stick it out” and make it a blessing in your lives, not a curse. Having been involved in the home schooling and private school movement for over forty years, he has seen well-intentioned parents enter the homeschool field feeling inspired and directed by the heavens to become more involved in their child’s education — and within a short period of time saw them leave the educational movement broken-hearted, and many times feeling like a failure. Don’t let this happen to you! Learn the twelve steps that can be easily achieved, and which can make your homeschooling experience one of the great thrills of your life. This class is a must for all those who feel inspired to homeschool, and want to feel successful. Learn how to isolate the children under mother’s care, while she insulates them with the Spirit and proper education, so they can go into the world, and not be of the world.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Twelve Steps for Avoiding Homeschool Burn-out