Top Ten Q&A’s for Homeschooling Parents

For over a decade, I’ve had the tremendous privilege of serving as a Family Education Coach. I’ve met with hundreds of parents and listened carefully to their concerns, their questions and their frustrations. Ten topics have manifested themselves as the most common areas of concern for homeschooling parents. In this session, I’ll address each of these areas of concern and provide proven short and long-term solutions for helping you to overcome these roadblocks in your family.

1. How do I heal from burnout and feeling overwhelmed?

2. How do I create and maintain an effective family schedule?

3. How can I inspire a reluctant learner?

4. How can I maintain a clean and orderly home while homeschooling?

5. How can I reduce contention so we have more time to learn?

6. How do I limit screen time, and make screen time more meaningful?

7. How do I create an effective homeschool master plan?

8. How can I make consistent progress in accomplishing our homeschool goals?

9. How can I care for a toddler while homeschooling?

10. How can I homeschool a scholar-aged young person along with younger siblings?

**The recording was started late; begins with number three.
