The Power of Family Reading

In the September 1996 issue of the Ensign, President Gordon B. Hinckley suggested “4 Simple Things to Help Our Families and Our Nation.” One of the prophet’s “4 Simple Things” was to “read good books together.” Can reading together really make that much difference to our families? And the nation? Should you still read to your children even after they can read to themselves? With all of the other important subjects to cover during the day, should reading together really get a top-priority spot? Yes, yes, yes, and YES! Reading together can not only help your children academically, it can be a powerful force for family strength and unity. Get motivated to either begin this great practice, or, continue it with renewed vigor. Katie also shares book suggestions that can make the journey more exciting, and how to make this important subject the favorite part of your homeschool!


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
The Power of Family Reading