The Men and Women, The Miracles, The Dream

The tiny glow began with the founding of Jamestown, 1607. It was given definition in 1620 when 41 men on the tiny Mayflower drafted their “Mayflower Compact,” declaring their intent to govern themselves under the guidance of the Almighty. By 1775, it had reached into the hearts and souls of hundreds of thousands of Americans who sent their message to King George III. The message was simple: “We have found our dream; a dream of freedom and liberty like the world has never known. We love you, Mother England, but we will not give it up.” The die was cast. King George III sent his army and navy across the mighty Atlantic to correct his errant children. The world scoffed. Did the ragtag Americans really think they could win a war with the mightiest military power on earth? On April 19th, 1775, the first shots were fired at Lexington and Concord. On October 19, 1781, the British surrendered. In those six years, the miracles never ceased. The Great Dream came to be. The world was changed forever. This is the story of the American Revolution. It is our story. We can not let it drift into obscurity.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
The Men and Women, The Miracles, The Dream