The Joy of Science in a Busy Life

Sometimes science seems to be relegated to another subject of unfulfilled expectations with experiments that don’t work and mom trying to figure out complex equations for tomorrow’s lesson in her free time between 1-2 a.m., but it doesn’t have stay that way. Science can be one of the most fulfilling parts of homeschooling as it is incorporated into every facet of family life through mentoring and inspiring your children the TJED way. This class provides entertaining and creative ideas that range from concocting oozing foam and smelly chemical reactions to walking on eggs and building giant dry ice bubbles that teach important scientific concepts in ways they won’t soon forget. Come explore how to build relationships while developing critical thinking skills and helping your children understand and appreciate the world around them. Kari will share time tested tips, ideas and strategies for all ages that will help create unforgettable learning experiences.

