Seven Different Ways to Homeschool High School

Homeschooling your children at any age is an adventure, but it can be especially intimidating as you enter the high school years. Even parents who have homeschooled for many years sometimes question what the right path is for their student at this critical juncture. What should I teach? How? What if I don’t know anything about that subject? What about transcripts and college? What if my child doesn’t want to go to college? Luckily for us, there are many resources and many paths for us as we love and guide our students through these years. Homeschooling through high school is fun and rewarding as you get the opportunity to really see your child grow and mature as you help them to prepare not just for college, but for adulthood itself.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Seven Different Ways to Homeschool High School