Pursuing Your Passion While Raising Your Family

As moms, we are always making sacrifices to be there for our families. Because we choose to stay home and educate our children, our other passions and interests sometimes go by the wayside while we serve their educational and extra-curricular needs. It is when our passions get completely lost in the shuffle that we sometimes experience a loss of our own sense of identity. For others, it is through raising our children that we discover our passions, but we are so busy raising children, we can’t do anything about it.

To everything there is a season, of course, and sacrifice will always be part of our lives as homeschooling mothers, but it is important that we maintain the things that fulfill us personally, or we will have nothing left to give others, including our families. Kelly will share with you ways she has been able to pursue her many passions in varying degrees at different times in her life. She knows how it feels to have a bucket full of passion to share with others and how it feels when the bucket is empty. She will share with you the path she has found to achieve balance in pursuing your personal passions while you are in the midst of raising and educating your children. Her passions include teaching ballet, playing music, gardening, raising chickens and children, homeschooling and education in general, and getting a master’s degree in teaching English as a second language.


LDSHE Podcast
Pursuing Your Passion While Raising Your Family