Mom School: Creating and Maintaining a Successful Educational Group

Have you envisioned creating an educational group to inspire or respond to your family’s interests or needs? Are you seeking mentorship and encouragement in creating a group program? Do you need tools for working efficiently and effectively with other leaders? Are you already in a leadership position in a homeschool group and are looking for assistance in diagnosing and repairing problems, or to enhance your program? Learn how to plan and structure your group for long-term success. Learn the different strategies for small and large groups. Get inspired with examples of exciting possibilities for group experiences! This class offers proven solutions for using group structures to greatly magnify educational opportunities and experiences in a way that preserves the joy of your original vision. As a veteran group leader, Diann Jeppson has an intimate understanding of homeschool group structures and dynamics. She has created and co-created five distinctly different homeschool groups, covering the needs of girls, boys, youth and parents. These five groups are still operating successfully after many years and have proved inspirational to dozens of other communities in North America. Four of these five groups are currently administrated through American Youth Leadership Institute, a Utah-based non-profit organization designed to facilitate leadership education through clubs and events.