Kings and Queens in Narnia

Talk about power! You(th) are so potentially powerful–your teen years were designed by God to be threats against the kingdom of darkness. As a willing and able teen (not a child, but not having yet taken on the commitments of leading a family), you have the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have to get prepared and equipped to run your mortal race. Sadly, too many are casting aside excellence in favor of secular psychology’s passive vision of mediocrity for you. If these years are wasted, precious adult years are taken up rebuilding lives damaged by squandered teenage years. Who pays? – You! And the next generation of infants, toddlers, and teens! Let’s debunk the current cultural trends towards keeping young people entertained, irresponsible, uneducated, unthinking, and unhappy. Let’s look at historical links between youth of neighboring generations who were called to lead. Then learn, what is required to become all you can become – Kings and Queens. Cur non? And why not now!