Obtaining a college degree was once an important signal for employers to know about an applicant’s competence and hard work. But today, college degrees are ineffective signals that simply demonstrate someone’s ability to sit in a chair and be subjective to woke propaganda and jump through curriculum hoops. Come learn about alternative opportunities for your children to obtain personal and professional fulfillment outside of the college conveyer belt!
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Parenting Matters
Homeschooling moms have a unique opportunity to learn not only what we missed in school, but also anything we’ve ever wanted to know. Join Janice Campbell to learn how you can model a learning lifestyle that will speak louder than words. We’ll talk about personal learning goals, strong study skills, keeping a commonplace book, cultivating a beautiful memory, and more. No matter what you study—genealogy, horticulture, Latin, or art—your children will benefit from seeing exactly how to make learning a lifelong joy.
Sample: Be the Learner You Want Your Child to Become
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