How to Save the World in 10 Days

We live in troubling times. That has never been more apparent than now. The principles our nation was founded on and the values society promoted are under constant attack. We witness evil forces at every turn uniting to destroy the family, distort the truth and deny freedom. Wars are a commonplace and Gadianton robbers fill the judgment seats of every nation—including our own. It seems easy to sometimes fall into despair for the future of our children and our nation. But God is counting on us to be the light of liberty in our homes, in our nation, and in the world. And though our times seem desperate and dismal they are not unique. For at one of the most wicked and perverse times of the Bible there was a woman named Ruth and at one of the most violent and wicked times of the Book of Mormon there was a man named Mormon. And at one of the most corrupt, perverse and ungodly times in American History…there is you.

If you have been feeling that deep prompting and urgency be more involved in your community, state and nation then this is the class for you. How to Save the World in 10 Days is a 30 minute infusion of information, inspiration and empowerment that will teach you how to be anxiously engaged as citizens in your home, your community and your nation—without sacrificing your families. Yes it really is possible and it all starts with the first 10 days.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
How to Save the World in 10 Days