Hit School in the Sweet Spot

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to hit a 100-mile-per-hour fastball? A batter who doesn’t connect quite right with the ball can be left with chattering teeth and arms that feel like they were the weapons of choice in a slap fest between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. On the flip side, beautiful hits that soar over the outfield fence usually cause the batter to feel very little impact? Why? Because of a little something on the bat called “the sweet spot.” When the force of the swing and the location of the impact align with the speed and spin of the pitch … magic happens.

As a student, finding balance is crazy difficult, and when life gets out of alignment it can be teeth-chattering and painful. But when you find the sweet spot in your studies and social life, your biggest accomplishments start to seem easy. Come get some tips for hitting school and life in the sweet spot.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Hit School in the Sweet Spot