Five Principles of Wise Financial Management

Is money evil? Can we be the “Good Samaritan” and help others without the financial means to do so? Who’s paying for your “things”? Are you planning now for your education and mission? Come learn how you can become financially independent and use money for good! In his book “The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth,” bestselling author Richard Paul Evans explains that “money should not be the preoccupation of our lives.” Rather, it can help us “be free to focus on God, family, and relationships-the true nourishment of life.” Evans believes one of the gravest dangers in modern America is fiscal irresponsibility. He says, “Debt is forcing us to work more and more, stealing from us our precious time as well as happiness.” Money problems are destroying marriages, homes, health and are a motivating factor in crime and domestic abuse. This class covers the topics of being frugal, saving, spending wisely, earning, and giving back.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Five Principles of Wise Financial Management