Family Work and Adult Skills

“How in the world do I homeschool and keep the house clean at the same time? Since we are home most of the time, we excel at making messes. I am quite concerned about teaching my children the responsibility and the joy of work. In addition, I want to teach them the work skills they will need for adulthood. This whole subject feels pretty overwhelming.”Back in the days of Laura Ingalls Wilder, parents seemed to know intuitively how to structure family work in a way that taught children the adult skills they needed to know. It was just part of the culture! Today, many children grow up and arrive at adulthood without essential adult skills and without the experience of work to inform their adult habits.Learn how easy it can be to design your own, custom-made system for family work that answers the following needs:Gets the work done according to the unique and changing needs of each dayFacilitates ease in teaching chore skillsAllows age-appropriate engagement for all childrenComprehensive: includes all of the chores at your houseAllows each child to choose their chores (They really like that!)Makes it easy to supervision chore-time (Essential)Easy to operate the system (So you won’t give up after 2 weeks)Offers a long-term system solutionAllows youth to attain a level of stewardship in the family, thus giving them more time for study.Integrates with “Adult Skills Classes.” These simple classes help ensure teaching of skill areas that you deem essential for your children.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Family Work and Adult Skills