A new wave of young farmers may be poised to get rich! The earth is in a cycle that is making it hard to grow the same amount of food as we have in the past. Education about food production in the past was successful in supplying the world with busy restaurants and grocery stores without the average person ever giving the supply of food a single thought! Currently, this is no longer the case. People are worrying about food availability. Since 2020, things have been rapidly changing! Drought! War! Inflation! Fuel cost! Fertilizer cost! Labor! Food scarcity could be the norm in the near future. There are principles of agriculture production that we can use to create abundant and nutritious food if farmers knew what to do. I will show you how to grow food smart! I will share simple principles that you can do in your home garden or on 1000 acres of land. And when you have food to sell when others don’t, the hungry people will be your customers. Making great sales is less about charisma and more about having a product to sell when other salespeople run out of supply. This world needs more farmers with the correct information to grow food in a new climate. The education of the past is not adequate anymore! Were you born to be a farmer?