Digging in the Classics with Aristotle and Tolstoy – Your Life’s Mission

The classics share profound insights into the soul: Purpose, Passion, Happiness, The Good. But aren’t classics really hard to understand?

Sometimes the idea of picking up a great “classic” is terrifying and daunting. As with learning how to ride a bike, sometimes what is needed is for someone to run alongside you for a time so that you realize it’s not as scary as we make it out to be. Come have a ton of fun reading and discussing a great classic!

“Every art and every inquiry, and likewise every action and choice, seems to aim at some good, and hence it has been beautifully said that the good is that act which all things aim.”
-Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

LDSHE Podcast
Digging in the Classics with Aristotle and Tolstoy - Your Life’s Mission