Daily Routines Panel

You bought your curriculum. You’ve spoken to every homeschool mom you can find. You even convinced your husband to let you try this grand experiment called homeschooling!  School starts next week and you’re still not sure what to do for eight hours a day (hint: at home it doesn’t usually take that long!), or how to do it. The beauty of home education is that there is no one way to do it! Every family is different and, for most of us, so is every day. Still, it is helpful to see how someone else has organized their time. Three veteran homeschool moms will share what a day in the life of their homeschool looks like. Join Ellisa, Kamela and Heather as they go through a sample day in their home. See what home education might look like for you. Borrow great ideas and let go of old ones that just don’t work. Each mom has a different approach to education, as well as different family sizes and dynamics, so you are sure to learn how to get started with your family’s daily routine.


LDSHE Podcast
Daily Routines Panel