Creating an Inspiring Learning Environment, and Responding Effectively to Children’s Interests

When it comes to the education of our children, parents have lots of options! We can invite, coax, strongly suggest, bribe, beg, threaten, or just wait and hope they decide to learn. Or we can choose to think in an entirely new way—a way that in the beginning evokes a level of uncertainty that is as deep as our culture. We can inspire. This class will supply you with tools for this great work of inspiring (and I do mean work!) that you can put to immediate use.

So…do we just create an inspiring environment and then wait patiently, hoping they will just … you know … learn? This class will help you see your children’s emerging interests with new eyes, prepare to respond when the time is ripe, and engage more effectively.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Creating an Inspiring Learning Environment, and Responding Effectively to Children’s Interests