Creating an Adaptable, Unified, and Stress-Free Homeschool Environment

Experts refer to most modern children as “fragile, non-adaptable, stressed, depressed, and disconnected.” As I have talked to families all over the world, I’ve noticed that it isn’t just the children who are struggling to find a way to live and problem solve in a stress-under-control, adaptable, unified way; parents are, too. As part of the solution to these social problems, parents are homeschooling. Can homeschooling conquer these problems? What must a homeschool environment include to foster character development capable of rising above the stressed, depressed society we find ourselves in? And, what will happen to the effectiveness of the education if the homeschool can adapt and be united as well? Ah…the possibilities!

LDSHE Podcast
Creating an Adaptable, Unified, and Stress-Free Homeschool Environment