“Home is where the school is,” but how do I get it all done AND set up an environment of learning? Discover tips for balancing the needs of your family with the needs of your house; how to foster the Spirit in your house of learning; stress-free ideas to incorporate “school” into your home environment; and how to prioritize (since we can’t do it all, how to decide what is most important).
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Parenting Matters
Homeschooling moms have a unique opportunity to learn not only what we missed in school, but also anything we’ve ever wanted to know. Join Janice Campbell to learn how you can model a learning lifestyle that will speak louder than words. We’ll talk about personal learning goals, strong study skills, keeping a commonplace book, cultivating a beautiful memory, and more. No matter what you study—genealogy, horticulture, Latin, or art—your children will benefit from seeing exactly how to make learning a lifelong joy.
Sample: Be the Learner You Want Your Child to Become
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