Common World Views and How They Impact Our Families

What is a worldview? James Sire asserts that “A worldview is a set of assumptions which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic makeup of our world.” Our worldview shapes the way we interpret the events of life. It is the spiritual or philosophical lens we see through–the means by which we focus disparate situations and happenings into overall meaning and purpose. We are bombarded with other people’s worldviews constantly, all of which claim to contain truth. We find them in movies, television, magazines, newspapers, literature, education, science, art, government—as a matter of fact, in every aspect of our lives! As adults, we have to wisely sort through these worldviews in our own search for light and truth. As parents, we must also help our children identify the worldviews they encounter, from their books to music to movies and more. We must arm them with truth and teach them discernment, in order to help them confront the false teachings they will see in today’s educational and popular culture. Learn to identify the most common worldviews facing us today, from texbooks to Time magazine, from newspaper articles to the newest music sensation.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Common World Views and How They Impact Our Families