Come Let Us Anew: Dealing with Times of Frustration, Fatigue, or Low Motivation

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m just burned out on homeschooling”? Gayle Ruzicka shows you how to avoid this type of thinking, and embrace homeschooling as more than an educational choice—as a way of life! Of course there will be times of frustration and discouragement. Fatigue, stress and low motivation can attack our homeschools, just they attack every other aspect of our lives. But, just like in other areas of our life, we can learn how to deal with these issues. Gayle shares how to cope with these times as they come, in order for us not to “burn out” on our children, our family, our homeschool, our religion, or any other important and vital part of our life’s mission.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Come Let Us Anew: Dealing with Times of Frustration, Fatigue, or Low Motivation