Come, Follow Me: Homeschooling In The Footsteps Of The Savior

“…what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). Jesus Christ: second to his atoning sacrifice and resurrection was His mission to teach. Though the world doesn’t always agree on the divinity of Jesus Christ, there’s been no disputing His effectiveness as a teacher. Because we are to follow His example, we have been given many tools and patterns to help us. As we study not just Christ’s teachings, but also the way in which He taught them, we will become better at teaching our own children everything they need to know. The ministry of Jesus Christ was inviting, not demanding. Love, understanding, and eternal perspective underlined everything He did. The Savior has invited us to follow His path, even and especially in our own ministry as homeschooling parents. Taking His example, we’ll learn how to extend a similar invitation to our children as we walk the path together.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Come, Follow Me: Homeschooling In The Footsteps Of The Savior