Choosing a Teaching Philosophy To Meet Your Educational Goals and Your Child's Learning Style

There are many teaching philosophies that exist in the homeschooling community. Beginners may be confused or simply not be aware that they exist. Defining and explaining each of these philosophies help parents to make informed decisions for their individual families. As a veteran mom explains: “It is imperative to study about educational philosophies before looking at curriculum. These go from unschooling (like John Holt’s Growing Without Schooling movement), Thomas Jefferson Education, the Moore Formula, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Classical Education (Susan Wise Bauer, The Well-Trained Mind), to more traditional schooling like ABeka provides. By the time you have researched this and know where you want to go with your homeschool, the curriculum question will already be answered.” Learn more about the various teaching philosophies and how they might work with the learning styles of your children.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Choosing a Teaching Philosophy To Meet Your Educational Goals and Your Child's Learning Style