Building the Faith of a Future Scientist

As parents, we prayerfully seek revelation on how and what to teach our children to help prepare them for their “life mission.” For many students, science will be an essential part of that mission. We need these young scientists to help solve many of the world’s problems and build a better world. However, somewhere along their path, they are going to run into concepts and theories that may challenge their testimony. How do we build our children’s testimony so that they can deal with these conundrums? Science and religion are both vital tools in exploring and discovering truth. Science is a way to serve mankind temporally, and scientific progress is often inspired of God. Science and religion are not hostile and opposing disciplines; both are important in understanding who we are and our relationship to God.

This class will look at ways we can build our children’s testimonies through science. In addition, we will look at some of the more controversial subjects in science (like evolution, ethics, age of the earth, etc.) and discuss what we know and don’t know, and how to unite our religious and scientific knowledge.
