A Homeschool Built Upon the Rock (Part 2): Building the Foundation

Even after we have begun laying a strong spiritual foundation in ourselves, our work is not finished. How do we then let what we are learning in our own study guide our homeschools? Can we really learn to trust in the Lord enough to follow his plan for our children, even if it goes against what “makes sense” to us? How do we “fit in” everything we think our children need to know before they leave our homes? What if we forget something? And most importantly, how do we make sure that we are teaching our children how to build their own foundations? Sisters Veach and Ward cover the different aspects of following the direction of the Spirit in our homeschools, and helping our children be able to say “I have learned for myself.” (JSH 1:20)


LDSHE Podcast
A Homeschool Built Upon the Rock (Part 2): Building the Foundation