A Homeschool Built Upon The Rock (Part 1): Laying The Foundation

As homeschool parents, we can sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Nurturing our own spirituality can sometimes take a back seat to our other responsibilities. But, if we are not taking the time to work on our own foundations, how can we build our home (and homeschool) upon the rock of our Redeemer? Even though we know how vital prayer and scripture study are, how do we give them the attention they deserve in our very busy days? How do we get beyond just “reading” our scriptures and progress to the type of study that can be transformational in our lives? Discover how to make your own spiritual foundation strong enough to build your family on.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
A Homeschool Built Upon The Rock (Part 1): Laying The Foundation