6 More Be's

President Hinckley has given us six Be’s; we have six more for homeschoolers:1. Be wise – smart is good but it’s not enough; you don’t want to become a “clever devil.”2. Be asking – Joseph Smith received many revelations in answer to questions he asked; you want to learn by having worthy mentors.3. Be sheep – Jesus wants you for a sunbeam, then a sheep, then a shepherd, and finally a friend.4. Be quick to obey – “You gonna mind somebody,” the lady said; “let it be Mama or it will be ‘the law’ “.5. Be healthy – The Lord asked you to take good care of your body; be quick to obey.6. Be yourself – Do your own thing – not the “thing” the world tells you, but the “thing” or things you covenanted to do before you came here.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
6 More Be's