Stephanie Morgan

Stephanie Morgan

Stephanie is a homeschool mother with a decade of homeschool experience, preceded by seven years of experience in education, among many other interests and pursuits. Before choosing to homeschool, Stephanie taught third grade in an ESL classroom for five years and left public school to devote her efforts to political grassroots education reform. She spent several years deep in the politics of education. After choosing homeschooling she threw her excess energy into organizing homeschool cooperatives. Stephanie has been involved in the startup of two large group homeschool cooperatives, a larger homeschool association, and now she is passionate about helping homeschoolers form small homeschool PODS in the old-fashioned way. Beyond her organizing work, Stephanie has passions that end up in some written form. She has quite a long list of blogs from her family's recipe book to her natural birth blog (because she is a doula). She uses blogs as a way to catalog what she writes and to share it with others for their enrichment. She is passionate about the American founding and the principles of liberty. She's also passionate about education philosophy and political action and about religious study. All of which are topics she writes about and post to her blogs. Study and writing is a hobby to her, but she hopes that it is also a blessing to others.

All Sessions by Stephanie Morgan