CPR: Cultural Parenting Revolution

Have you had enough yet?  Do you feel like you are drowning some days?  Parenting is hard work.  Is there any way to make it easier?  This class will take a deep look at what parenting used to look like.  What it looks like in our modern society and what it needs to look like to create the leaders we need for the future. Without question there are principles for being a leader, and principles for teaching leadership, and the greatest leadership role we have is being a parent. A leader/parent must do their parenting different from other parents. So, how does leadership parenting compare with the other two styles of parenting? This class will look into the past and the future to analyze what is happening to parenting in the present. Leadership parenting is not new. It has been done many times before, but has been lost in a tidal wave of social reform. Our ideas about family have been adjusted and re-adjusted to fit society. Let’s line up all these ideas, and make new parenting choices to free our families from emotional bondage.  We are revolutionaries in education, so we need revolutionary parenting principles to breathe new life into our homeschools.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
CPR: Cultural Parenting Revolution