Principles over Politics

People often say to me, “I hate politics!” To them I say, “I do too!” The principles of freedom are not political, and they don’t support any traditional viewpoint or political party. But those principles do support the family — the most effective organization for teaching and preserving those principles. After four years of traveling thousands of miles teaching hundreds of presentations on the Constitution, I am convinced that the most important group that needs to hear the message of freedom is the youth, and that the most effective way to get it into their hearts and minds is through their families. But I’m also convinced that too often parents don’t feel like they have the tools they need to teach freedom in a way that makes it relevant and appealing in their children’s lives (or, in their own lives for that matter). What we fail to understand at times, is that the principles of freedom are really the principles of the gospel. And, who better to teach those principles than our Latter-day Prophets and the great men we call the Founding Fathers? And, what greater resource can we look to than the scriptures and the Constitution? Come and discover the principles of freedom and find out why principles are anything but political.

LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Principles over Politics